The Community Housing Resource Board

The Community Housing Resource Board (CHRB) of Anderson, SC was founded in 1982 for the purpose of advancing fair housing through vol­untary affirmative marketing activi­ties”  The Community Housing Resource Board of Anderson, SC. in accor­dance with the Title VIII (Fair Hous­ing of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 is committed to fair housing and has agreed to uphold the prohibiting discriminatory practices based on race, sex, religion, color, or national origin, familial status, or handicap

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The Community Housing Resource Board of Anderson, SC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to address and promote
fair housing and affordable house and economic development issues The Community Housing Resource Board of Anderson, SC hold workshops on a variety of topics, such as credit, predatory lending, disabilities, homeownership, understanding discrimination, and landlord/tenant agree­ments.

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