Meeting minutes are available upon request, (864) 260-4005.

Brief Descriptions for Board of Architectural Review, Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Commission

Board of Architectural Review

5:30 p.m.
Third Wednesday
City Hall
401 S. Main St.

The City of Anderson Board of Architectural Review (BAR) is responsible for the:

  • Preservation and protection of historically and architecturally significant structures
  • Preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the City within the designated historical zones

In order to maintain the historic significance of the neighborhoods, the Anderson Board of Architectural Review has the responsibility for review and authorization of exterior changes to any property within the historic districts. Prior approval from the Board is required for any change to the exterior of a property including:

  • New construction/additions
  • Changing paint colors/adding siding
  • Demolition of any structure
  • Removing or covering any architectural feature on the exterior of a structure and other alterations
  • Fencing and landscaping additions

Board of Zoning Appeals

5:30 p.m.
Fourth Thursday
City Hall
401 S. Main St.

The City of Anderson Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has the authority to hear administrative reviews, variances and special exceptions.

Administrative Review

The Board can hear and decide appeals where it is alleged the Zoning Administrator erred in an order, requirement, decision or determination. In such cases, the Board may reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, the Zoning Administrator’s actions. The Board has all the powers of the Zoning Administrator in such cases and may direct the issuance of a permit.


The Board has the power to hear and decide appeals for variances when strict application of the City of Anderson Zoning Ordinance would cause an unnecessary hardship.

Special Exceptions

The Board of Zoning Appeals can permit uses by Special Exception if the terms and conditions described in the Zoning Ordinance are met. The Zoning Ordinance must include the standards and conditions for the Board to follow when considering such appeals.

Planning Commission

6:00 p.m.
First Tuesday
City Hall
401 S. Main St.

The City of Anderson Planning Commission carries out a continuing planning program for the physical, social and economic growth of the City. To accomplish its goals, the Planning Commission prepares and reviews plans, studies and planning-related ordinances including the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance.

The Planning Commission fulfills its responsibilities to the governing body and community by making recommendations on planning, zoning and land development matters. The Planning Commission also has review and approval authority for subdivision plans.

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