401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2200
Community Development
601 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2223
Economic Development
102 N. Murray Ave.
Anderson, SC 29625
(864) 231-2601
401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2203
Fire Department Station 1
400 South McDuffie St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2256
Fire Department Station 2
2411 N. Main St.
Anderson, SC 29621
(864) 231-2261
Fire Department Station 3
111 Simpson Rd.
Anderson, SC 29621
(864) 231-1142
Information Technology
401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2285
401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2271
Planning and Development
601 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2222
Building and Codes: (864) 231-2217
Police Department
401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2272
Public Works
1100 Southwood St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2246
Transit Department: (864) 231-7625
1107 N. Murray Ave.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2232
601 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 260-6347
Utilities – Generostee Creek
800 Hillhouse Rd.
Anderson, SC 29625
(864) 231-2250
Utilities – Rocky River
309 Kirkwood Dr.
Anderson, SC 29624
(864) 231-2250




















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