Due to the recent storm that affected our community, some structures have been impacted by fallen trees and/or limbs. In your bid, please include any necessary tree removal costs that are required prior to demolition.

The City of Anderson (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of North Street Drainage Improvements – This project involves the replacement and/or rehabilitation of the stormwater conveyance system serving the watershed upstream of North Street in Anderson, SC.

The City of Anderson is requesting Bids for Asbestos Abatement and Building Demolition – various sites (see specifications) – The project consists of furnishing all labor, material, supervision and travel to undertake all necessary tasks.

The City of Anderson (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of Hammet Acres Pond Restoration – The existing Hammett Acres Pond is located within the Hammet Acres subdivision. The current owner of the site is Belk, Sheila B & Jeffrey S. Proposed improvements will include dredging and grading the pond to remove accumulated sediment and restore the pond floor to its original condition. Proposed improvements, as part of the project, include approximately 2.6 acres of land disturbance.

The City of Anderson is seeking sealed bids for removal of digestor –  The City of Anderson, South Carolina, is requesting assistance in removing the Anaerobic Digester #3 cover at the Rocky River WWTP, located at 309 Kirkwood Drive, Anderson, SC.

The City of Anderson is seeking sealed bids for street-scape improvements  – The City of Anderson, in association with Anderson University (AU), would like to move forward with the first phase of street-scape improvements along Business Hwy 29 (Williamston Road) in order to create a safe pedestrian route

Request for bids for Bea Thompson Park Playground Expansion – The City of Anderson is requesting Bids for park improvements including flush concrete border and playground equipment with rubber surfacing.

Advertisement for Bids for Old Ivy Sewer Rehabilitation Project – City of Anderson is requesting Bids for the construction of Old Ivy Sewer Rehabilitation Project – CIPP for approximately 1,200 lf of 8” sewer line, 13 service laterals, and lining of 6 manholes. Additional West Fredricks location for CIPP for approximately 250 lf of 18” CMP stormwater pipe.

Advertisement for Bids for the purchase and development of city-owned property  – The City of Anderson is requesting proposals for the purchase and development of the city-owned property. The property is a single parcel located along S. Main Street, between E. John Street and E. River Street

The City of Anderson is seeking Construction Managers to submit proposals for the opportunity to serve as a Construction Manager At‐Risk (CMAR) – For the design review and pre-construction services, potential construction and commission of improvements to the existing Caters Lake Park.

Request for Proposal For The Purchase and Development of  PropertyThe City of Anderson is accepting proposals for the purchase and development of 600 South Main Street, Anderson, SC

City of Anderson Christmas Lights Request for Qualifications – The City of Anderson is initiating a request process to identify qualified vendors capable of delivering a comprehensive Christmas lights installation project in Downtown Anderson. 

City of Anderson Roof Repairs Request for Qualifications – The City of Anderson is soliciting Qualifications from interested firms for Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) services in connection with the roof repairs to the existing Anderson Recreation Center

City of Anderson Events Production Request for Qualifications – The City of Anderson is seeking a qualified and experienced special events production company to manage the execution of the City of Anderson’s bid to host the International Network of Michelin Cities Conference.

Attention Contractors – Housing Rehabilitation Activities

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